Savings Options
Statement Savings for Adult or Minors
A simple and easy savings that allows you or your child’s money to grow. For our adult customers, this account can also be used for overdraft protection by transferring from your savings to your checking to avoid overdraft fees.
Start your child on the right path to saving. We want your child to be successful with finances in the future, so we provide the same Statement Savings with benefits for your child! Open the account with a minimal deposit, no minimum balance, and no service charges! Be sure to ask about our Kid’s Club when you open a child savings account.
Get Started Savings
This account is for long range savings goals for your child. Great for parents or grandparents who want to invest in their child’s future. This account is a wonderful alternative to giving gifts of toys or money for birthdays and Christmas. Deposits to this account will grow with interest until they are adults. Great for college, new car, or something special you have in mind. This account cannot be accessed by the minor child.
Christmas and Vacation Club Accounts
Time to save for something special? Christmas rolls around every year, are you ready for the expense when the time comes? Save how you want to save and earn interest… you can deposit any amount at any time. You can also set up automatic deposits from one of your other accounts at Midwest Alliance Bank. At the end of the club season you will either receive a check or direct deposit to your Midwest Alliance Bank checking account. Our Vacation club works the same as the Christmas Club, just a different season!
HSA Savings
Start a Health Savings Account with Midwest Alliance Bank, to help with those medical expenses when they come around. There is no opening deposit, service charges or minimum balances to keep. You will also receive check images back with your monthly statements. If you have questions, we have experts who can assist you.
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